Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Busy lunchtime

Hard day today. Lotsa shop work, lotsa on-site work, and lotsa visitors. Maybe I even hurt some feelings today, but it's not easy to miss lunch. So it goes.

Fixed a Sony laptop with a MemoryStick problem. Wincrap would not boot until I disabled the proprietary MemStick, and it took hours to figure out what to disable. How in hell can something like that work one day, and be a buggering bastard the next? Sony used to have some Halo Effect because of their consumer electronics, but not no mo. I'd rather have an eeePC laptop myself.

The new iMac is pretty cool. Granddaughter had a smile on all day.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Our new iMac came in today. Too busy to do much with it. Kinda interesting not to have to immediately load virus protection before I dare get on the web. I did put OpenOffice on it. Eagerly awaiting FireFox 3 tomorrow.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

I'm a Father???

Went in to work today to rearrange furniture and check a blackmailware case I started on Friday afternoon.

Had a Fathers Day visit from my stepdaughter and granddaughter. Wife made a cake, and I'm making beef tips and rice for supper.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

First Post

First post.

I hate Malware. I fight it daily. The idea that some crapper in Ukraine can take over someone's PC, disable Task Manager, Regedit, and even the Start Menu is just too much for me to take. Who gave them that right? Simple answer: Microsoft. There are so many ways to hide unwanted crap inside the registry (the devils work!) that it's just pitiful.

So, MS's answer is Vista. Yeah, right. A worse solution I could not imagine. It's just a Republican version of XP.

We're waiting on a Mac. Lets see how that works out, since Linux doesn't see to be marketable to any extent. I'll sure use Firefox on it, and OpenOffice, and GIMP. OpenSource is the way to go, for User software, IMHO. Maybe I'll install Picasa and other Google apps, too. Not OpenSource, but free, as in beer. We'll see....